Type of Bay Leaf
noun: bay leaf; plural noun: bay leaves
Definition and Meaning of Bay Leaf in Marathi
Pronunciation of Bay Leaf in Marathi
Bay Leaf (बेइ लीफ)
Usage of Bay Leaf in a Sentence
- Bay leaf is an aromatic leaf.
- Bay leaf can be used whole or in a grounded powder form.
- Add a bay leaf to the soup.
- Bay leaf is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin C.
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Synonyms of Bay Leaf in Marathi
Antonyms of Bay Leaf in Marathi
Tags for Bay Leaf Meaning in Marathi
Bay Leaf Meaning in Marathi. Bay Leaf Meaning in Marathi by MD. Meaning and definitions of Bay Leaf. translation of Bay Leaf in Marathi language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of Bay Leaf in English and in Marathi. What Bay Leaf means in Marathi. Bay Leaf meaning in Marathi. Bay Leaf definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of Bay Leaf in Marathi. Synonyms of Bay Leaf in Marathi. Antonyms of Bay Leaf in Marathi. Bay Leaf in Marathi Dictionary. Bay Leaf typing in Marathi. Thesaurus of Bay Leaf in Marathi. Thesaurus of Bay Leaf Meaning in Marathi.
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या वेबसाईटवर तुम्हाला Bay Leaf चा मराठीत अर्थ समजेल आणि Bay Leaf चा उच्चार देखील कळेल. म्हणजेच Bay Leaf शब्दाच्या अर्थासोबत Bay Leaf उच्चार कसा करायचा, Bay Leaf उच्चार करण्याची योग्य पद्धत कोणती हे देखील शिकाल. तर Bay Leaf हा शब्द फक्त एका मिनिटात शिका. Bay Leaf चा मराठी अर्थ सविस्तर जाणून घेऊया. मराठीत Bay Leaf चा अर्थ.
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