R Words

Words Starting with the Letter R

Revealed Meaning in Marathi

  Type of Revealed verb: reveal; 3rd person present: reveals; past tense: revealed; past participle: revealed; gerund or present participle: revealing Definition and Meaning of Revealed in Marathi प्रदर्शित करणे, प्रकट करणे, उघड करणे, गुप्त गोष्ट इ. फोडणे किंवा स्पष्ट करणे, पूर्वी लपवून ठेवलेले किंवा लपलेले उजेडात आणणे, दाखविणे Pronunciation of Revealed in Marathi Revealed …

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Revolutionary Meaning in Marathi

  Type of Revolutionary noun: revolutionary; plural noun: revolutionaries adjective: revolutionary Definition and Meaning of Revolutionary in Marathi क्रांतिकारी, क्रांतिकारी व्यक्ती, (तत्वे, कल्पना इत्यादी) क्रांतिकारक, क्रान्तीचा, मोठे बदल घडवून आणणारे Pronunciation of Revolutionary in Marathi Revolutionary (रे᠎व़लूशनरि) Usage of Revolutionary in a Sentence He joined a revolutionary organization. Do you know anything about the revolutionary …

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Recess Meaning in Marathi

  Type of Recess noun: recess; plural noun: recesses verb: recess; 3rd person present: recesses; past tense: recessed; past participle: recessed; gerund or present participle: recessing Definition and Meaning of Recess in Marathi सुट्टी, मधली सुट्टी, विसाव्याचा काल, विश्राम-काल, खंड, मोठा कोनाडा, कप्पा, खोबणी, एकांताची गुप्त जागा, कामकाजाची स्थगिती, तात्पुरते स्थगित करणे, कोनाड्यात ठेवणे, कोनाडे …

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Reassessment Meaning in Marathi

  Type of Reassessment noun: reassessment; plural noun: reassessments Definition and Meaning of Reassessment in Marathi पुनर्मूल्यांकन, पुन: कर आकारणी Pronunciation of Reassessment in Marathi Reassessment (रिअसेसमेंट) Usage of Reassessment in a Sentence This reassessment process will last until early March. History is a constant process of reassessment. He made a careful reassessment of the …

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Restrictions Meaning in Marathi

  Type of Restrictions noun: restriction; plural noun: restrictions Definition and Meaning of Restrictions in Marathi निर्बंध, नियंत्रण, स्वातंत्र्यावरील मर्यादा, बंधन Pronunciation of Restrictions in Marathi Restrictions (रिस्ट्रिक्‌श्‌न्) Usage of Restrictions in a Sentence There are speed restrictions on this road. These restrictions do not apply to us. Most companies manage to get around the …

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Revamp Meaning in Marathi

  Type of Revamp noun: revamp; plural noun: revamps verb: revamp; 3rd person present: revamps; past tense: revamped; past participle: revamped; gerund or present participle: revamping Definition and Meaning of Revamp in Marathi सुधारणे, दुरुस्त करणे, पुनर्रचना, सुधारणा, दुरुस्ती Pronunciation of Revamp in Marathi Revamp (रीव़ैम्‌प्) Usage of Revamp in a Sentence They plan to …

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