Type of Hopscotch
noun: hopscotch; noun: hop-scotch
verb: hopscotch; 3rd person present: hopscotches; past tense: hopscotched; past participle: hopscotched; gerund or present participle: hopscotching
Definition and Meaning of Hopscotch in Marathi
आपल्याकडील ठिकरीच्या खेळासारखा मुलांचा एक खेळ, एका ठिकाणाहून दुसऱ्या ठिकाणी प्रवास करणे
Pronunciation of Hopscotch in Marathi
Hopscotch (हॉपस्कॉच)
Usage of Hopscotch in a Sentence
- The children are playing hopscotch on the footpath.
- At hopscotch, the best hoppers are the children.
- The little girls played hopscotch and skipped rope.
- We hopscotched across the state.
Watch Hopscotch Meaning In Marathi on YouTube
Synonyms of Hopscotch in Marathi
amble, cruise, drift, float, hike, meander, ramble, roam
Antonyms of Hopscotch in Marathi,
go direct, run, stay
Tags for Hopscotch Meaning in Marathi
Hopscotch Meaning in Marathi. Hopscotch Meaning in Marathi by MD. Meaning and definitions of Hopscotch. translation of Hopscotch in Marathi language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of Hopscotch in English and in Marathi. What Hopscotch means in Marathi. Hopscotch meaning in Marathi. Hopscotch definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of Hopscotch in Marathi. Synonyms of Hopscotch in Marathi. Antonyms of Hopscotch in Marathi. Hopscotch in Marathi Dictionary. Hopscotch typing in Marathi. Thesaurus of Hopscotch in Marathi. Thesaurus of Hopscotch Meaning in Marathi.
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या वेबसाईटवर तुम्हाला Hopscotch चा मराठीत अर्थ समजेल आणि Hopscotch चा उच्चार देखील कळेल. म्हणजेच Hopscotch शब्दाच्या अर्थासोबत Hopscotch उच्चार कसा करायचा, Hopscotch उच्चार करण्याची योग्य पद्धत कोणती हे देखील शिकाल. तर Hopscotch हा शब्द फक्त एका मिनिटात शिका. Hopscotch चा मराठी अर्थ सविस्तर जाणून घेऊया. मराठीत Hopscotch चा अर्थ.
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