Type of Navigation
noun: navigation
Definition and Meaning of Navigation in Marathi
नौकानयन, मार्गदर्शन, दिक्चालन, नौकानयनशास्त्र, (जहाज, विमान इत्यादी) चालवण्याची क्रिया किंवा कौशल्य
Pronunciation of Navigation in Marathi
Navigation (नेविगेशन)
Usage of Navigation in a Sentence
- The compass is an instrument of navigation.
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks.
- The plane uses state-of-the-art navigation equipment.
- We quickly mastered the basic fundamentals of navigation.
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Synonyms of Navigation in Marathi
helmsmanship, steersmanship, seamanship, map-reading, wayfinding
Antonyms of Navigation in Marathi
neglect, forget, get lost
Tags for Navigation Meaning in Marathi
Navigation Meaning in Marathi. Navigation Meaning in Marathi by MD. Meaning and definitions of Navigation . translation of Navigation in Marathi language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of Navigation in English and in Marathi. What Navigation means in Marathi. Navigation meaning in Marathi. Navigation definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of Navigation in Marathi. Synonyms of Navigation in Marathi. Antonyms of Navigation in Marathi. Navigation in Marathi Dictionary. Navigation typing in Marathi. Thesaurus of Navigation in Marathi. Thesaurus of Navigation Meaning in Marathi.
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या वेबसाईटवर तुम्हाला Navigation चा मराठीत अर्थ समजेल आणि Navigation चा उच्चार देखील कळेल. म्हणजेच Navigation शब्दाच्या अर्थासोबत Navigation उच्चार कसा करायचा, Navigation उच्चार करण्याची योग्य पद्धत कोणती हे देखील शिकाल. तर Navigation हा शब्द फक्त एका मिनिटात शिका. Navigation चा मराठी अर्थ सविस्तर जाणून घेऊया. मराठीत Navigation चा अर्थ.
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