Type of Perennial
noun: perennial; plural noun: perennials
adjective: perennial
Definition and Meaning of Perennial in Marathi
बारमाही, बहुवर्षजीवी, चिरकाल टिकणारा, दोन वर्षांपेक्षा अधिक काळ जगणारी वनस्पती, सततचा, निरंतर, नित्याचा, कायमचा, सतत चालू राहणारा
Pronunciation of Perennial in Marathi
Perennial (परेनिअल्)
Usage of Perennial in a Sentence
- I wonder at her perennial youthfulness.
- We face the perennial problem of not having enough money.
- Teddy bears are a perennial favourite with children.
- First, dig out all the perennial weeds.
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Synonyms of Perennial in Marathi
everlasting, perpetual, eternal, continuing, unending, never-ending, endless, undying, ceaseless, abiding, enduring, lasting, persisting
Antonyms of Perennial in Marathi
ceasing, ending, halting, infrequent, intermittent, interrupted, occasional, temporary
Tags for Perennial Meaning in Marathi
Perennial Meaning in Marathi. Perennial Meaning in Marathi by MD. Meaning and definitions of Perennial . translation of Perennial in Marathi language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of Perennial in English and in Marathi. What Perennial means in Marathi. Perennial meaning in Marathi. Perennial definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of Perennial in Marathi. Synonyms of Perennial in Marathi. Antonyms of Perennial in Marathi. Perennial in Marathi Dictionary. Perennial typing in Marathi. Thesaurus of Perennial in Marathi. Thesaurus of Perennial Meaning in Marathi.
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या वेबसाईटवर तुम्हाला Perennial चा मराठीत अर्थ समजेल आणि Perennial चा उच्चार देखील कळेल. म्हणजेच Perennial शब्दाच्या अर्थासोबत Perennial उच्चार कसा करायचा, Perennial उच्चार करण्याची योग्य पद्धत कोणती हे देखील शिकाल. तर Perennial हा शब्द फक्त एका मिनिटात शिका. Perennial चा मराठी अर्थ सविस्तर जाणून घेऊया. मराठीत Perennial चा अर्थ.
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