Type of Serve
noun: serve; plural noun: serves
verb: serve; 3rd person present: serves; past tense: served; past participle: served; gerund or present participle: serving
Definition and Meaning of Serve in Marathi
-ची सेवा करणे, नोकरी करणे, नेमून दिलेले काम करणे, एखाद्याची गरज भागवणे, विशिष्ट कामासाठी उपयुक्त ठरणे, – च्या घरी नोकर म्हणून राहाणे, विशिष्ट तऱ्हेने वागणे, गिर्हाइकांना काय हवे नको ते पाहणे, सजा भोगणे, नोटिस इ. बजावणे
Pronunciation of Serve in Marathi
Serve (सर्व)
Usage of Serve in a Sentence
- Lunch is served from 12.30 to 3.00 pm.
- It is always a pleasure to serve you.
- The experiments serve no useful purpose.
- Politicians have a duty to serve the nation.
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Synonyms of Serve in Marathi
be in the service of, obey, be of service to, be of use to, give out, distribute, set out, present, provide, supply
Antonyms of Serve in Marathi
hold, keep, refrain, take, withhold, receive, refuse
Tags for Serve Meaning in Marathi
Serve Meaning in Marathi. Serve Meaning in Marathi by MD. Meaning and definitions of Serve. translation of Serve in Marathi language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of Serve in English and in Marathi. What Serve means in Marathi. Serve meaning in Marathi. Serve definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of Serve in Marathi. Synonyms of Serve in Marathi. Antonyms of Serve in Marathi. Serve in Marathi Dictionary. Serve typing in Marathi. Thesaurus of Serve in Marathi. Thesaurus of Serve Meaning in Marathi.
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या वेबसाईटवर तुम्हाला Serve चा मराठीत अर्थ समजेल आणि Serve चा उच्चार देखील कळेल. म्हणजेच Serve शब्दाच्या अर्थासोबत Serve उच्चार कसा करायचा, Serve उच्चार करण्याची योग्य पद्धत कोणती हे देखील शिकाल. तर Serve हा शब्द फक्त एका मिनिटात शिका. Serve चा मराठी अर्थ सविस्तर जाणून घेऊया. मराठीत Serve चा अर्थ.
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